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Grades K-5
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Four Titles For Reading Success

There are many interactive reading programs available today, but only one series has the vocabulary and reading comprehension activities to support each of the stories.

The stories are told through words, music, and pictures. As the story unfolds, students can click on any word they donĀ¹t understand, and the word is instantly pronounced, defined, and heard in a sentence. The teacher can control whether or not the story is read aloud and at what pace the story is told. This series addresses the multisensory learning modalities through sound, visuals, and interactive activities.

Each story is five chapters long with 300 clickable vocabulary words and many clickable picture animations. Each chapter has vocabulary and comprehension activities that review the chapter. These activities are very appealing to children of all ages. In using the activities with older children who are not reading on grade level, we have found that they will stick to the activities longer than normal because of the graphic rewards.

The teacher materials included suggest activities that focus on all the areas of the curriculum, from art to science. Black line masters, gameboard forms, art patterns, and a printout of the story are all part of the teaching materials.

The current titles are: Pocahontas, Aladdin, Jack and the Beanstalk, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

$49.95  PGPS   Pocahontas Single
149.95	PGP5   Pocahontas Lab (5)
499.95  PGP30  Pocahontas Site Lic. (30)
$49.95  PGJS   Jack & the Beanstalk Single
149.95	PGJ5   Jack & the Beanstalk Lab (5)
499.95  PGJ30  Jack & the Beanstalk Site Lic. (30)
$59.95  PGAS   Aladdin Single
169.95	PGA5   Aladdin Lab (5)
599.95  PGA30  Aladdin Site Lic. (30)
$59.95  PGHS   Hunchback of N.D. Single
169.95	PGH5   Hunchback of N.D. Lab (5)
599.95  PGH30  Hunchback of N.D. Site Lic. (30)

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